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[日期:2011-07-26]   来源:河北专接本考试网-2012河北专接本考试报名/成绩查询  作者:河北专接本考试网-2012河北专接本考试报名/成绩查询   阅读:291[字体: ]


n 对于节日,生日,入学,毕业,就业,升职,获胜,乔迁等喜事向对方表示恭喜和祝贺。内容包括:

n 交待向对方所祝贺的内容并表达祝贺

n 表示对对方付出的努力的赞扬或表示良好的祝愿

n Congratulations on your success/achievements!

n Allow me to congratulate you on …

n Please accept my heartiest congratulations on your graduation from …

n I warmly congratulate you on what you’ve achieved.

n I am pleased to hear of …. Congratulations to you!


All the best wishes to you in your new job!

Luck and success in the coming year!

Let me offer my hearty good wishes for your success.

Congratulations to you and every good wish for your success and happiness in your new position.


n Your friend has just won the first prize in the Provincial English Speech Contest. Write a note of congratulations.

n May 16th

n Dear Jason,

n I met Jack on my way to the dormitory this morning. And he told me that you had won the first prize in the Provincial English Speech Contest. How wonderful! No pains, no gains. I dare say your oral english is perfect since you have been working hard all the time. Your perspiration has been rewarded. Congratulations! Keep me informed of your good news in future.

n Yours,

n Bens



n 希望转让或求购某物而张贴的类似于广告的便条。内容包含:

n 交待转让或求购的原因

n 描述转让或求购的物件

n 商定价格

n 留下联系方式

n In order to …, I want to buy/sell…

n In need of …, I would like to sell/buy…

n I have … for sale.

n … is in good condition.

n Would … yuan be possible for me to get it?

n I can pay at most … yuan for it.

n Would … yuan be a reasonable price?

n Please call me at …

n Contact me at …



Before you leave university you want to sell your bike. Write a note about 50-60 words describing the condition of your bike, how much you would like for it, and where you can be contacted.

n April 13th

n Dear schoolmates,

n I’m a senior from the English Department and will graduate from this university in a month. I’ve decided to sell my bike. It is half new, silver and light. With curved bars, it is mainly for lady’s use. I’d like to sell it for seventy yuan. If you’re interested, welcome to Room 402, Student Dormitory Building No. 5 to have a look at it or ring me up between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. at 12345678.

n Yours sincerely,

n Linda



n 将某一具体事件告知有关人士等的一种公告或 通知。 内容如下:

n 提及具体事件,必要时简述理由或事件意义

n 交代清楚事件时间,地点和要求

n This is to announce/declare…

n …is organized by …to …

n … will organize a …to ..

n There will be ..on …

n Those who … are welcome to take part in ..

n All the students who …are welcome to participate in …

n Those who … will benefit a lot from

n The Student Union is to organize an English Speech Contest. You are supposed to write a notice on behalf of the Student Union to inform all the students at your university to participate in it.


n Notice

n In order to encourage all students to improve oral English, a university-wide English Speech Contest will be held on April 8th under the auspices of the Student Union. Those who are willing to participate may sign up with their monitors before Saturday. Five distinguished professors are to be he judges. The top ten winners will be granted awards. All are welcome to be present at the contest.


n Student Union

n March 28, 2008



n The Student Union is to organize a friendly tennis match with the team of Chemical Engineering College. You are supposed to write a notice on behalf of the Student Union to inform the students at your university to watch the match.

n Tennis Match

n All are warmly welcome

n Under the auspices of the Students’ Union of our university, a friendly tennis match will be held between our team and the team of Chemical Engineering College on our tennis court at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 27th.


n The Students’ Union

n Thursday, Dec. 25



n 常用于熟人之间,一般是托人转交或本人在某一地方直接留言,用来告知对方比较紧急的事情。内容包括:

n 提出留言原因

n 交待留言事项并对此给出较详细的说明

n 末尾重申需对方注意的要点或完成事项或感谢对方对此事的关注

n Here is a message from …

n I am writing to ask you to …

n I just want you to tell…

n You are asked to …

n Come to me whenever you have difficulties with …

n Please ring me up after reading the message.

n Please notify me after you get the message.

n Please contact me at 2222222 if you have any problem.

n Please let me know as soon as you read the note.



Lynn is your classmate. Professor Wang wished to see her and her mother called at 9:00 a.m. when she was out. Write a note to inform her of the two matters. Do not sign your own name, using “Laura” instead

n Feb. 9

n Lynn,

n Professor Wang wishes to see you this afternoon to talk about your thesis. You are requested to see him in his office at 4:00 p.m. And your mother called at 9:00 a.m. she said that she will not be able to come to see you tomorrow because she has to attend a meeting.


n Laura



n 感谢型便条是对单位或个人的馈赠,款待或帮助支持表示感谢以及对慰问式便条,祝贺式便条等的回复。内容包括:

n 表示自己诚挚的谢意,提及收到的帮助

n 回忆该帮助,高度评价,赞扬对方,表达当时的感受

n 再次表达谢意

n I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for …

n I am writing to show my sincere appreciation for …

n I’d like to take this opportunity to express my great appreciation for your timely help and assistance.

n I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to you for …

n Thanks afain for your courtesy.

n Please accept my thanks for …

n My appreciation to you for your generous help is beyond words.

n I feel most obliged to thank you once more.


